Friday, June 28, 2019

For the weekend - Louisville theatre shows and auditions (June 28 edition)

Wait, what is this? A week where we've had no rain??? What is that like??? That's a reason to celebrate, and we might as well do that through going to see an incredible theatre show in the Kentuckiana this weekend. Plenty of shows of plenty of varieties (Shakespeare, comedy, improv, dance, drama, murder mystery, dinner theatre, etc.) are happening this weekend. Check them out below.

Don't forget to check out the upcoming auditions, including one that is happening this weekend. Check them out, and get involved in our wonderful local theatre scene.



Kentucky Shakespeare presents The Tragedy of King Lear until July 21.

Theatre Reprise presents Oscar and Felix: A New Look at the Odd Couple until July 7.

Project Improv presents With Special Guest Project Improv on June 28.

Commonwealth Theatre presents Homefree until July 7.

Waterworks Dance Theater presents Into the Wild on June 28.

Oldham County School for the Arts presents The Hunchback of Notre Dame until June 29.

Ongoing shows: 

Bunbury Theatre presents When Fishies Rain Down From the Sky until June 30.

Kentucky Shakespeare presents Henry IV, Part Two until July 19.

Kentucky Shakespeare presents As You Like It until July 20.

Derby Dinner Playhouse presents The Savannah Sipping Society until June 30.

Whodunnit Murder Mystery Theater presents Murder in Cairo: The Wrath of Ra until June 29.


Commonwealth Theatre holding auditions for fall tour of Rumpelstiltskin on July 1.

TheatreWorks of Southern Indiana holding auditions for The Drowsy Chaperone on July 6 and 7.

Rose Island Playhouse holding auditions for Over the River and Through the Woods on July 13.

Hayswood Theatre holding auditions for The Addams Family: The Musical on July 14 and 15.

Jackson County Community Theatre holding auditions for Picasso at the Lapin Agile on July 14 and 15.

Waterworks Dance Theater holding dance company auditions on July 21.

Mind's Eye Theatre Company holding auditions for Songs for a New World on July 22, 23, and 24.

Shelby County Community Theatre holding auditions for children ages 7-14 for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on July 29 and 30.

Friday, June 21, 2019

For the weekend - Louisville theatre shows and auditions (June 21 edition)

Greetings and salutations! Welcome to the Louisville theatre scene for a fine weekend of shows! This weekend, Character Assassination and Extra Crispy get in on the fun as they bring forth a roast and some improv. Check those shows out below.

Don't forget about the shows already going on within the Louisville theatre scene, including a couple that will be ending their runs this weekend. Check them out before they close!

Last, but certainly not least, there are plenty of auditions getting ready to take place. Plenty of shows needing a good variety of actors. Check out the auditions below.



Character Assassination presents The Roast of Pixar until June 22.

Extra Crispy Improv performs on June 22.

Ongoing shows: 

Bunbury Theatre presents When Fishies Rain Down From the Sky until June 30.

Kentucky Shakespeare presents Henry IV, Part Two until July 19.

PNC Broadway in Louisville presents Hamilton until June 23.

Kentucky Shakespeare presents As You Like It until July 20.

Derby Dinner Playhouse presents The Savannah Sipping Society until June 30.

Whodunnit Murder Mystery Theater presents Murder in Cairo: The Wrath of Ra until June 29.


Commonwealth Theatre holding auditions for fall tour of Rumpelstiltskin on June 22 and July 1.

Rose Island Playhouse holding auditions for Over the River and Through the Woods on July 13.

Hayswood Theatre holding auditions for The Addams Family: The Musical on July 14 and 15.

Jackson County Community Theatre holding auditions for Picasso at the Lapin Agile on July 14 and 15.

Waterworks Dance Theater holding dance company auditions on July 21.

Mind's Eye Theatre Company holding auditions for Songs for a New World on July 22, 23, and 24.

Shelby County Community Theatre holding auditions for children ages 7-14 for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on July 29 and 30.

Friday, June 14, 2019

For the weekend - Louisville theatre shows and auditions (June 14 edition)

It's an unseasonably cool weekend in Louisville, which means it will be nice outside. Go outside (or inside) for a Louisville theatre show this weekend. A good variety of shows, including improv, Shakespeare, touring productions, bits of scenes, comedy, drama, and everything in between are set to happen. Check out the shows below.

Don't forget about the upcoming auditions as well. One show is needing actors for multiple 10-minute plays. Other shows are needing actors for musicals, touring productions, and more. Get involved through one of the links below.



Improv 502 presents My Two Improv Dads on June 15.

Gonzo Improv presents Super Special June Bonus Show on June 15.

Bunbury Theatre presents When Fishies Rain Down From the Sky until June 30.

Kentucky Shakespeare presents Henry IV, Part Two until July 19.

Ongoing shows:

PNC Broadway in Louisville presents Hamilton until June 23.

Company OutCast presents Best Bits until June 15.

Shelby County Community Theatre presents Crimes of the Heart until June 16.

Kentucky Shakespeare presents As You Like It until July 20.

Derby Dinner Playhouse presents The Savannah Sipping Society until June 30.

Whodunnit Murder Mystery Theater presents Murder in Cairo: The Wrath of Ra until June 22.


The Bard's Town holding auditions for Tentucky 2019 on June 17 and 18.

Commonwealth Theatre holding auditions for fall tour of Rumpelstiltskin on June 22 and July 1.

Rose Island Playhouse holding auditions for Over the River and Through the Woods on July 13.

Hayswood Theatre holding auditions for The Addams Family: The Musical on July 14 and 15.

Mind's Eye Theatre Company holding auditions for Songs for a New World on July 22, 23, and 24.

Friday, June 7, 2019

For the weekend - Louisville theatre shows and auditions (June 7 edition)

It's hot and humid outside this weekend, but's still hot, but without the humidity (thankfully). Five hot shows ready to set the Louisville ablaze with comedy, drama, improv, and some show about a former treasury secretary. Check them out below.

In the meantime, plenty of shows are continuing from last weekend. However, some of those shows will extinguish their own flames this weekend. Check them out before they close!

Last, but certainly not least, don't forget about the upcoming auditions. Plenty of chances await the prospective actors and actresses to get on to a Louisville stage. Check them out below.



PNC Broadway in Louisville presents Hamilton until June 23.

Company OutCast presents Best Bits until June 15.

Gonzo Improv presents its June Show on June 7.

The Hystericals presents 2nd Saturday Improv on June 8.

Shelby County Community Theatre presents Crimes of the Heart until June 16.

Ongoing shows: 

Kentucky Shakespeare presents As You Like It until July 20.

Looking for Lilith presents Note until June 9.

The Liminal Playhouse presents Edward Albee's The Goat or, Who is Sylvia? until June 9.

Little Colonel Playhouse presents Working: The Musical until June 9.

Derby Dinner Playhouse presents The Savannah Sipping Society until June 30.

Whodunnit Murder Mystery Theater presents Murder in Cairo: The Wrath of Ra until June 22.


Jackson County Community Theatre holding auditions for Charlotte's Web on June 7.

Little Colonel Playhouse holding auditions for student show Much Ado Out West on June 9 and 10.

Wayward Actors Company holding auditions for The Green Room on June 10 and 12.

The Bard's Town holding auditions for Tentucky 2019 on June 17 and 18.

Commonwealth Theatre holding auditions for fall tour of Rumpelstiltskin on June 22 and July 1.

Rose Island Playhouse holding auditions for Over the River and Through the Woods on July 13.

Hayswood Theatre holding auditions for The Addams Family: The Musical on July 14 and 15.