Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! I bringeth forth good news from Louisville with plenty of wonderful shows that are opening this weekend. Check them out below!
Does thou wish to entertain the audience? Then, thou shalt enter into an audition, found at the bottom of this post. Check those out, including the three taking place this weekend.
Does thou wish to entertain the audience? Then, thou shalt enter into an audition, found at the bottom of this post. Check those out, including the three taking place this weekend.
Theatre 502 presents Women Laughing Alone With Salad until Apr. 20. http://www.kentuckycenter.org/all-shows/women-laughing-alone-with-salad
Acting Against Cancer presents Dogfight until Apr. 7. https://aacdogfight.brownpapertickets.com/?fbclid=IwAR2uzAJWfmZAP2MOSluxe3tSSItPerd-FAwjqdMRS02linvLNfN_czlFPhg
The Liminal Playhouse presents Smart People until Apr. 7. https://squareup.com/market/the-liminal-playhouse
Company OutCast and Ray Robinson Productions presents The Cliffnotes of Insanity: The Princess Bride in 30 Minutes or Less until Apr. 6. https://www.tickettailor.com/events/thebard/250256?fbclid=IwAR1L3z6V5YEz8peBurnT0QsyFINLe2ujyqP72IgjL7pCzA
Little Colonel Playhouse presents Panache until Apr. 7. https://littlecolonel.net/news/2016/6/29/theyre-playing-our-song
Shelby County Community Theatre presents The Diary of Anne Frank until Apr. 7. https://www.shelbytheatre.org/
Bellarmine theatre arts presents House of Desires until Apr. 6. https://www.bellarmine.edu/cas/theatre/
Acting Against Cancer presents Dogfight until Apr. 7. https://aacdogfight.brownpapertickets.com/?fbclid=IwAR2uzAJWfmZAP2MOSluxe3tSSItPerd-FAwjqdMRS02linvLNfN_czlFPhg
The Liminal Playhouse presents Smart People until Apr. 7. https://squareup.com/market/the-liminal-playhouse
Company OutCast and Ray Robinson Productions presents The Cliffnotes of Insanity: The Princess Bride in 30 Minutes or Less until Apr. 6. https://www.tickettailor.com/events/thebard/250256?fbclid=IwAR1L3z6V5YEz8peBurnT0QsyFINLe2ujyqP72IgjL7pCzA
Little Colonel Playhouse presents Panache until Apr. 7. https://littlecolonel.net/news/2016/6/29/theyre-playing-our-song
Shelby County Community Theatre presents The Diary of Anne Frank until Apr. 7. https://www.shelbytheatre.org/
Bellarmine theatre arts presents House of Desires until Apr. 6. https://www.bellarmine.edu/cas/theatre/
Ongoing shows:
Actors Theatre presents Everybody Black until Apr. 7 as part of the Humana Festival. https://www.actorstheatre.org/shows/2018-2019/everybody-black/
Stage One Family Theatre presents The True Story of the Three Little Pigs until Apr. 13. https://stageone.org/season/threelittlepigs/
Actors Theatre presents How to Defend Yourself until Apr. 7 as part of the Humana Festival. https://www.actorstheatre.org/shows/2018-2019/how-to-defend-yourself/
Centerstage presents Annie until March 31. https://jewishlouisville.org/the-j/centerstage/2018-19-season/annie/
Actors Theatre presents The Thin Place until Apr. 7 as part of the Humana Festival. https://www.actorstheatre.org/shows/2018-2019/the-thin-place/
Centerstage presents Annie until March 31. https://jewishlouisville.org/the-j/centerstage/2018-19-season/annie/
Actors Theatre presents The Thin Place until Apr. 7 as part of the Humana Festival. https://www.actorstheatre.org/shows/2018-2019/the-thin-place/
Actors Theatre presents The Corpse Washer until Apr. 7 as part of the Humana Festival. https://actorstheatre.org/shows/the-corpse-washer/
Actors Theatre presents We've Come to Believe until Apr. 7 as part of the Humana Festival. https://actorstheatre.org/shows/weve-come-to-believe/
Actors Theatre presents We've Come to Believe until Apr. 7 as part of the Humana Festival. https://actorstheatre.org/shows/weve-come-to-believe/
Derby Dinner Playhouse presents The Robber Bridegroom until March 31. https://derbydinner.com/show/the-robber-bridegroom/
Derby Dinner children's theatre presents The Emperor's New Clothes until March 30. https://derbydinner.com/show/the-emperors-new-clothes/
Whodunnit Murder Mystery Theater presents Deception: Beta until March 30. http://www.whodunnitky.com/
Centerstage holding auditions for Beauty and the Beast and Dreamgirls on March 30, Apr. 6, and 7. https://jewishlouisville.org/the-j/centerstage/centerstage-2019-2020-season-auditions/?fbclid=IwAR1nSC4hNvl0cbhgopuwJQdsKVQ5hCe4TH7XDDwX3njdZ2gg2BJpZa1GQgk
Little Colonel Playhouse holding auditions for Working: The Musical on March 31 and Apr. 1. https://littlecolonel.net/auditions/
Shelby County Community Theatre holding auditions for Gaslight (Angel Street) on March 31 and Apr. 1. https://www.shelbytheatre.org/audition/
The Theatre Downstream holding auditions for He Needed Killin' on Apr. 5, 6, and 8. https://www.facebook.com/events/345893826267988/
The Theatre Downstream holding auditions for He Needed Killin' on Apr. 5, 6, and 8. https://www.facebook.com/events/345893826267988/
Hayswood Theatre holding auditions for Harvey on Apr. 14. https://www.facebook.com/events/303065043732876/
Stage One Family Theatre holding auditions for Ghost on Apr. 14 and 15. https://stageone.org/get-involved/auditions/
Theatre Reprise! holding auditions for Oscar and Felix on Apr. 15. https://www.facebook.com/events/393628704765093/?notif_t=plan_user_invited¬if_id=1553973697605689
Actors Theatre holding open adult auditions on Apr. 19. https://www.actorstheatre.org/casting/open-adult-auditions/
RiverPops Orchestra holding auditions for All Shook Up on Apr. 20. https://www.facebook.com/events/299727637293961/
The Liminal Playhouse holding season auditions on Apr. 20. https://www.facebook.com/events/393527587892297/
Stage One Family Theatre holding auditions for Ghost on Apr. 14 and 15. https://stageone.org/get-involved/auditions/
Theatre Reprise! holding auditions for Oscar and Felix on Apr. 15. https://www.facebook.com/events/393628704765093/?notif_t=plan_user_invited¬if_id=1553973697605689
Actors Theatre holding open adult auditions on Apr. 19. https://www.actorstheatre.org/casting/open-adult-auditions/
RiverPops Orchestra holding auditions for All Shook Up on Apr. 20. https://www.facebook.com/events/299727637293961/
The Liminal Playhouse holding season auditions on Apr. 20. https://www.facebook.com/events/393527587892297/
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