Friday, August 4, 2017

For the weekend - Louisville theatre shows and auditions (Aug. 4 edition)

A variety of shows in a variety of performance spaces will grace the Louisville theatre scene this weekend. Acting Against Cancer will go to the Henry Clay, Centerstage will go outdoors, and Teatro Tercera Llamada will go to the library to open their respective shows. Check them out below. While you're at it, check out all the other shows already going on in the Louisville theatre scene. Plenty of them end their runs this weekend, so see them before it's too late!

Don't forget about the very numerous auditions going on very soon. Plenty have just been listed, including two that are coming up this weekend, and plenty more that are not far behind. Get involved in the Louisville theatre scene (or even the Louisville Zoo!) below.



Acting Against Cancer presents The Wedding Singer until Aug. 13.

Centerstage presents Kiss Me Kate until Aug. 6

Teatro Tercera Llamada presents La Cucarachita Martina until Aug. 19.

Ongoing shows: 

The Alley Theater presents Vampire Lesbians of Sodom until Aug. 5.

Commonwealth Theatre presents Shipwrecked! until Aug. 4.

Youth Repertory Theatre presents Beauty and the Beast until Aug. 5.

The Bard's Town presents Bethany until Aug. 5.

Derby Dinner Playhouse presents The Music Man until Aug. 20.


The Theatre Downstream holding auditions for Annie on Aug. 5 and 6.

Centerstage Acting Out holding auditions for its Touring Company on Aug. 5 and 7.

The Bard's Town holding auditions for The Ten-Tucky Festival. Email for more info.

Theatre in Motion holding auditions for The World's Largest Halloween Party at the Louisville Zoo on Aug. 9 and 12. Contact Jodi Adams at or 502-797-5634 to reserve an audition time. 

Hayswood Theatre holding auditions for The Diary of Anne Frank on Aug. 13 and 14.

Hardin County Playhouse holding auditions for Night of the Living Dead on Aug. 21 and 22.

Shelby County Community Theatre holding auditions for Dark of the Moon on Aug. 27 and 28.

Clarksville Little Theatre holding auditions for The Game's Afoot on Sept. 10 and 11.

Little Colonel Playhouse holding auditions for Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike on Sept. 17 and 18.

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