Friday, November 6, 2015

For the weekend - Louisville shows and auditions (Nov. 6 edition)

Ten shows opening in Louisville. That's right, TEN shows!!!! All kinds of shows for everyone. This includes classics, should-be classics, original shows, musicals, free shows, and who-knows-what-to-expect shows, Everyone's getting in on the act as well, from the professional theatres to apprentices and interns to high schools to colleges and everyone in between. If you ever wanted to see a show in the Louisville theatre scene, this is your weekend to do so.

Don't forget about the three shows still going on as well. One from Centerstage and two from Derby Dinner are still going on but are now in their respective final weekends. Check them out while you can.

Then, there are the auditions, for which two are coming up this weekend, including from Little Colonel Playhouse and Alley Theater. Acting Against Cancer and IUS have auditions next weekend, and there's a new audition posting for the KY Shakespeare season. Check them all out below.



Looking for Lilith presents Prevailing Winds until Nov. 14.

Mind's Eye Theatre Company presents Neil Simon's Rumors until Nov. 15.

GFour Productions presents Menopause: The Musical until Nov. 8.

Theatre 502 presents Failure: A Love Story until Nov. 15.

Actors Theatre A/I Company presents Sio Mio Round 3 until Nov. 7.

The Bard's Town presents The (Curious Case of the) Watson Intelligence until Nov. 15.

Cardinals for the Appreciation of Musical Theater presents You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown until Nov. 8.

Little Colonel Playhouse presents Outside Mullingar until Nov. 15.

Assumption High School presents Into the Woods until Nov. 15.

Floyd Central High School presents 42nd Street until Nov. 15.

Ongoing shows:

Centestage presents Oliver! until Nov. 8.

Derby Dinner Playhouse presents And Then There Were None until Nov. 8.

Derby Dinner Playhouse children's theatre presents Junie B. Jones until Nov. 7.


Alley Theater holding auditions for The (Other) Boy Who Lived on Nov. 7. 12-3 p.m. Cold readings. Contact The Alley Theater or director Greg Sanders for more information. 

Little Colonel Playhouse holding auditions for Twist on Nov. 8 and 9.

Acting Against Cancer holding auditions for American Idiot on Nov.15.

IUS theatre arts holding auditions for Guys and Dolls on Nov. 16 and 17.

Kentucky Shakespeare holding season auditions on Dec. 12-14.

Follow me on Twitter! LouBriantheater

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