Happy New Year from the Kentuckiana theatre scene!!! No shows opening this weekend, but the theatre scene will be coming back alive very early in 2022. At least three theatre groups have auditions within the first week of the year with more just behind those. Check them out through the links below.
Hayswood Theatre holding auditions for The Grapes of Wrath on Jan. 2 and 3. Facebook event link
Shelby County Community Theatre holding auditions for Seasons of Love II on Jan. 3 and 4. https://www.shelbytheatre.org/audition/
Clarksville Little Theatre holding auditions for An Evening with Broadway's Greatest Villains on Jan. 4 and 5. Clarksville Little Theatre link
The Dinner Detective holding general auditions on Jan. 12 and 13. Email Allison@TheDinnerDetective.com for more information.
Shelby County Community Theatre holding auditions for Picasso at the Lapin Agile on Feb. 6. https://www.shelbytheatre.org/audition/
Little Colonel Players holding auditions for The Jack of Diamonds on Feb. 13 and 15. http://littlecolonel.net/auditions/
Jackson County Community Theatre holding auditions for Sylvia on Feb. 27 and 28. Audition info link