Welcome to leap year weekend! For Extra Day in February 2020, we have three shows of different varieties opening. Ballet, a staged reading, and a sing-a-long are set to take place alongside already running comedies, musicals, children's shows, murder mysteries, classic productions, and modern takes on classic productions. Check them out below.
Don't forget about the upcoming auditions, including one happening today. Get involved with the Kentuckiana theatre scene through one of the auditions below.
Don't forget about the upcoming auditions, including one happening today. Get involved with the Kentuckiana theatre scene through one of the auditions below.
Louisville Ballet presents Antipodes until Feb. 29. https://www.kentuckyperformingarts.org/all-shows/antipodes
KY Black Rep Theatre and Pandora Productions present Sweet Evening Breeze-Staged Reading Benefit until Feb. 29. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sweet-evening-breeze-by-larry-muhammad-staged-reading-benefit-tickets-90801416481
Gilbert and Sullivan Society presents Pirates of Penzance Sing-a-long on Feb. 29. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gilbert-sullivan-society-pirates-of-penzance-at-absolute-studio-theater-tickets-93607146495?fbclid=IwAR12yqYMlkKr6-yEGvRkUtva7fbrqNWQmJnOhWG8V-knlmMzT-V0M_emHVQ
KY Black Rep Theatre and Pandora Productions present Sweet Evening Breeze-Staged Reading Benefit until Feb. 29. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sweet-evening-breeze-by-larry-muhammad-staged-reading-benefit-tickets-90801416481
Gilbert and Sullivan Society presents Pirates of Penzance Sing-a-long on Feb. 29. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gilbert-sullivan-society-pirates-of-penzance-at-absolute-studio-theater-tickets-93607146495?fbclid=IwAR12yqYMlkKr6-yEGvRkUtva7fbrqNWQmJnOhWG8V-knlmMzT-V0M_emHVQ
Ongoing shows:
Derby Dinner Playhouse presents Saturday Night Fever until Mar. 29. https://derbydinner.com/
Shelby County Community Theatre presents You Can't Take it With You until Mar. 1. https://www.shelbytheatre.org/
Company OutCast presents Cliffnotes of Insanity on Feb. 28. https://www.facebook.com/events/865279880568734/
The Theatre Downstream presents Little Women until Mar. 1. https://www.thetheatredownstream.com/
U of L theatre arts presents Six Degrees of Separation until Mar. 1. https://louisville.edu/theatrearts/productions
IUS theatre presents Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike until Mar. 1. https://www.ius.edu/arts-and-letters/programs/theater/performances/upcoming.php
Derby Dinner children's theatre presents A Year With Frog and Toad until Mar. 28. https://derbydinner.com/show/a-year-with-frog-toad/
Shelby County Community Theatre presents You Can't Take it With You until Mar. 1. https://www.shelbytheatre.org/
Company OutCast presents Cliffnotes of Insanity on Feb. 28. https://www.facebook.com/events/865279880568734/
The Theatre Downstream presents Little Women until Mar. 1. https://www.thetheatredownstream.com/
U of L theatre arts presents Six Degrees of Separation until Mar. 1. https://louisville.edu/theatrearts/productions
IUS theatre presents Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike until Mar. 1. https://www.ius.edu/arts-and-letters/programs/theater/performances/upcoming.php
Derby Dinner children's theatre presents A Year With Frog and Toad until Mar. 28. https://derbydinner.com/show/a-year-with-frog-toad/
Whodunnit Murder Mystery Theater presents My Old Kentucky Murder Mystery until March 28. http://www.whodunnitky.com/
Louisville Central Community Players holding auditions for Shrek the Musical Jr. on Feb. 28. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2903723096317189&set=gm.1471230376375393&type=3&theater
Clarksville Little Theatre holding auditions for Cinderella on March 15 and 16. http://www.clarksvillelittletheatre.org/cinderella-auditions/
Rush Trowel and Faith Works Studios holding auditions for Disney's Moana Jr. on March 15-17. http://www.faithworks-studios.com/moana---auditions.html
Actors Theatre holding auditions for Chasin' Dem Blues on March 18. https://actorstheatre.wufoo.com/forms/z1emlje130o5fe/
Mummers and Minstrels holding auditions for Something Rotten on March 22 and 23. https://www.facebook.com/events/489775008603950/?event_time_id=489775011937283
Mind's Eye Theatre Company holding auditions for Guys and Dolls on March 22 and 24. https://www.facebook.com/events/2560465594279441/
Actors Theatre holding auditions for the Pre-Professional Training Company on March 24. https://www.actorstheatre.org/events/pre-professional-training-company-auditions/
Little Colonel Playhouse holding auditions for The Jack of Diamonds on March 29 and 30. https://littlecolonel.net/auditions
Shelby County Community Theatre holding auditions for Witness for the Prosecution on March 29 and 30. https://www.shelbytheatre.org/audition/
Kentucky Opera holding auditions for chorus roles in its 2020-2021 season on April 17. https://kyopera.org/auditions/
Actors Theatre holding auditions for Chasin' Dem Blues on March 18. https://actorstheatre.wufoo.com/forms/z1emlje130o5fe/
Mummers and Minstrels holding auditions for Something Rotten on March 22 and 23. https://www.facebook.com/events/489775008603950/?event_time_id=489775011937283
Mind's Eye Theatre Company holding auditions for Guys and Dolls on March 22 and 24. https://www.facebook.com/events/2560465594279441/
Actors Theatre holding auditions for the Pre-Professional Training Company on March 24. https://www.actorstheatre.org/events/pre-professional-training-company-auditions/
Little Colonel Playhouse holding auditions for The Jack of Diamonds on March 29 and 30. https://littlecolonel.net/auditions
Shelby County Community Theatre holding auditions for Witness for the Prosecution on March 29 and 30. https://www.shelbytheatre.org/audition/
Kentucky Opera holding auditions for chorus roles in its 2020-2021 season on April 17. https://kyopera.org/auditions/