Hope everyone had a great holiday this past week (or if you are still celebrating your holiday, hope it's still going well!). Most of the Louisville theatre scene is on a break this week, although Derby Dinner continues with a pretty well-reviewed Honky Tonk Angels show. (Whodunnit will return Murder on 34th Street to the stage after the New Year.) Check it out if you can!
Now would be a good time to start brushing up on monologues, getting headshots, or whatever you need to prepare for auditions in the Louisville theatre scene. After the new year, no fewer than eight will occur in and outside of Louisville. Get involved with one of the links below.
Enjoy, and have a safe and happy New Year!
Ongoing shows:
Derby Dinner Playhouse presents Honky Tonk Angels Holiday Spectacular until Dec. 31. http://derbydinner.com/
Whodunnit Murder Mystery Theater presents Murder on 34th Street until Jan. 7. http://www.whodunnitky.com/
Young Hearts Theatre holding auditions for The Travel Bug on Jan. 3. https://www.facebook.com/young.hearts.theatre.louisville/?fref=ts
U of L Studio Theatre holding auditions for MMF on Jan. 5 and 6. Email studiotheatrecompany@gmail.com for more info.
Alley Theater holding auditions for Reservoir Dogs on Jan. 5, 7, and 8. https://www.facebook.com/events/565183357020584/
Actors Theatre holding local children's auditions for I Now Pronounce on Jan. 11 and 12. https://actorstheatre.org/local-childrens-auditions/
Derby Dinner holding open auditions on Jan. 13. http://derbydinner.com/auditions/
Clarksville Little Theatre holding auditions for The Matchmaker on Jan. 15 and 16. http://www.clarksvillelittletheatre.org/auditions-the-matchmaker/
Little Colonel Playhouse holding auditions for Bakersfield Mist on Jan. 15 and 16. http://littlecolonel.net/auditions/
Jackson County Community Theatre holding auditions for Romeo and Juliet on Jan. 15 and 17. http://jcct.org/General%20Information%20Pages/events%202016-2017.htm